Photo Week in Review – February 13-20, 2022

This was the first full week back using my X-T4, which had succumbed to injuries sustained from a fall in mid-November. Holiday travel prevented me from sending it for repair until the New Year, and a circuitous, weather-related journey across the country combined with Fuji’s “We don’t start working on it until you start asking about it” service had me without the services of an object that sparks joy for about three months. I took the opportunity to get an X-E4 in the meantime, and it is a wonderful camera, but it only took one morning out in the early morning darkness that is winter in the PNW to remember how much I missed the stabilisation on the X-T4. At its nadir, there are only maybe 7 hours of decent light, that happen when I’m working, so a camera that allows me to slow down the shutter speed to 1/10 second without a tripod borders on ‘necessary luxury.’

Even when it was daylight it was dark though, the sun hidden behind clouds and dense fog, which made most of this week’s photo’s well-suited to the Classic Negative film simulation.

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